D. Okech , J. Kim , T. D. Little
British Journal of Social Work 45 ( 2) 685 -704
Stephen V McGarity , David O Okech , Edwin Risler , Thomas J Clees
Journal of Social Work 20 ( 5) 657 -672
US Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons , D Okech , L Aletraris , E Schroeder
D Okech , J Clay-Warner , A Balch , T Callands
Center for Human Trafficking Research & Outreach, University of Georgia. https://cenhtro. uga. edu/_resources/documents/Sl-Baseline-Report-2022-Update 202
Alexis Dery , David Okech , Emily Blalock , Tony Lowe
International Education 43 ( 1) 50
Jody Clay-Warner , David Okech , John K. Anarfi , Timothy G. Edgemon
Social Science & Medicine 279 113970
David Okech , John R. Barner
Journal of Teaching in Social Work 34 ( 2) 167 -181
Giselle Balfour , Tamora Callands , David Okech , Grace Kombian
Journal of Evidence-based Social Work 17 ( 3) 332 -346
David Okech , Yoko Mimura , Teresa Mauldin , Junghyun Kim
Journal of Policy Practice 12 ( 2) 107 -124
David Okech , Shari E. Miller , John R. Barner , Meredith L. Tetloff
Journal of Policy Practice 12 ( 4) 273 -295
David Okech
Journal of Policy Practice 10 ( 2) 144 -164
David Okech , Whitney Morreau , Kathleen Benson
International Social Work 55 ( 4) 488 -503
David Okech , Waylon J. Howard , Rebecca A. Matthew , Gregory L. Purser
Journal of Contemporary African Studies 38 ( 4) 541 -559
John Barner , David Okech , Meghan Camp
Societies 4 ( 2) 148 -160
David Okech , Nathan Hansen , Waylon Howard , John K. Anarfi
Behavioral Medicine 44 ( 3) 209 -218
Junghyun Kim , David Okech , Waylon J. Howard
Child & Family Social Work 18 ( 4) 417 -428
Anna Katiuzhinsky , David Okech
International Journal of Social Welfare 23 ( 1) 80 -88
John R. Barner , David Okech
Social Work Education 32 ( 8) 1061 -1074
David Okech , John Barner , Megan Segoshi , Michelle Carney
Social Work Education 33 ( 1) 121 -134
David Okech , Todd D. Little , Trina R. Williams Shanks , Deborah Adams
Research on Social Work Practice 21 ( 4) 442 -451