Experimental skin pain and muscle pain induce distinct changes in human trigeminal motoneuronal excitability

A. Truini , A. Romaniello , P. Svensson , F. Galeotti
Experimental Brain Research 174 ( 4) 622 -629

Effects of Intense Chewing Exercises on the Masticatory Sensory-Motor System

M. Koutris , F. Lobbezoo , M. Naeije , K. Wang
Journal of Dental Research 88 ( 7) 658 -662

The effect of glutamate-evoked masseter muscle pain on the human jaw-stretch reflex differs in men and women.

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Barry J Sessle , Peter Svensson , James W Hu
Journal of Orofacial Pain 17 ( 4) 317 -325

Effect of a peripheral NMDA receptor antagonist on glutamate-evoked masseter muscle pain and mechanical sensitization in women

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Barry J Sessle , Eduardo E Castrillon , Peter Svensson
Journal of Orofacial Pain 21 ( 3) 216 -224

Effect of peripheral NMDA receptor blockade with ketamine on chronic myofascial pain in temporomandibular disorder patients: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Barry J Sessle , Eduardo E Castrillon , Peter Svensson
Journal of Orofacial Pain 22 ( 2) 122 -130

Interstitial glutamate concentration is elevated in the masseter muscle of myofascial temporomandibular disorder patients.

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Barry J. Sessle , Eduardo E. Castrillon , Peter Svensson
Journal of Orofacial Pain 24 ( 4) 350 -360

Acid-induced experimental muscle pain and hyperalgesia with single and repeated infusion in human forearm

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Toshiyuki Asaki , Brian E. Cairns , Thomas Graven-Nielsen
World Congress on Pain

DNIC effects with different intensities of conditioning mechanical stimuli applied to craniofacial region in healthy men and women

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Y Oono , Peter Svensson , Kelun Wang
13th World Congress on Pain

Glutamate-evoked pain in the temporalis and masseter muscles

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Eduardo Castrillon , Peter Svensson , Brian Cairns
IADR 89th General Session and Exhibition 2011

Feedback stimulation on polysomnographic recordings in patient with sleep bruxism

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , F. Jadidi , Kim Dremstrup , P. Svensson
Journal of Dental Research 87

Gender and site differences in trigeminal sensitivity of healthy human subjects

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , R Matos , Janek Dalsgaard Jensen , Bjarne Neumann
13th World Congress on Pain

DNIC responses evoked by chemical or mechanical craniofacial conditioning stimuli in healthy men and women

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Kelun Wang , M. I. Martin , A. Bagues
13th World Congress on Pain

Pain and discomfort after intraoral injection of epinephrine-containing anesthetic solutions

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Hung Ai Phan , Kelun Wang , T. T. L. Nguyen
Journal of Dental Research 91

Bite force and exteroceptive suppressioin periods of jaw-closing muscles in patients with or without ongoing pain after orthognathic surgery

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Bjarne Neumann-Jensen , Janek Dalsgaard Jensen , P. Svensson
World Congress on Pain

Quantitative sensory testing in orofacial region one year after orthognathic surgery

Peter Svensson , Kelun Wang , Thomas Jensen , Yi Luo
14th World Congress on Pain

Quantitative sensory testing of teeth with dentinal hypersensitivity

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Y. He , Kelun Wang , M. Cao
General Session of the IADR, International Association for Dental Research

Intra-oral psychophysical and physiologic responses to menthol and nicotine

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Shellie A. Boudreau , Bruno Provstgaard Nielsen , Kelun Wang
Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, SRNT

Conditioned pain modulation evoked by different intensities of mechanical stimuli applied to the craniofacial region in healthy men and women.

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Yuka Oono , Peter Svensson , Kelun Wang
Journal of Orofacial Pain 25 ( 4) 364 -375

Quantitative sensory testing of normal teeth on healthy human

Lars Arendt-Nielsen , Bo Bentsen , Kelun Wang , Yi Lou
14th World Congress on Pain

Effect of cervical non-muscular nociceptive input on the human jaw-stretch reflex

Anitha Peddireddy , Lars Arendt-Nielsen , A. Biasiotta , Peter Svensson
Journal of Dental Research 82