作者: C. Somerville
摘要: ve plants, whereas wheatandArabidopsis thaliana areexamples ofchilling-toleran t species. Because ofthepronounced effects oftemperature ontheinvitro phase properties of lipids andtheobservation that membrane lipid composition maybealtered inresponse tochanges ingrowth temperature, there hasbeensustained interest inthe possible roleofvariation inmembrane asa causal factor in chilling sensitivity. Although ithasnot beenpossible toestablish simple correlations between total ofdifferent plantspecies and sensitivity (2), intheconcepthasbeensustained bythepossibility theamountofaquantitatively minor constituent might haveamajoreffect on thephysical ofoneormore membranes. Recently, theisolation ofmutantsofplants andcyanobacteria with specific alterations inmembranelipid andtheisolation ofsomeof thegenesthatcontrol membranelipid fatty acidcomposition havecreated new opportunities todirectly test this andrelated concepts concerning thephysiological importance ofmembranelipid (reviewed inref. 3).Asexemplified bythearticle byMoonetal.(4)inthis issue oftheProceedings, these lines inquiry haverecently produced several important newinsights intotheroleof inpotentiating lowtemperature-induced injury andhavelaid a newfoundation forinvestigating the mechanistic basis forsomeaspects ofchillinginjury. RoleofDisaturated Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)