摘要: COMMENT vectors are based on the single-strand DNA non-enveloped parvovirus. Cur- rently, this vector "has a rather small ~pacity (4.5-5.0 kb) to express trans- genes. While wild-type AAV has been documented establish latency, by targeting integration chromosome 19, much i.,fformation remains be determined about con- ceming',he relative importance of ex- pression from episomal versus inte- grated forms. In addition, require- ments for conversion single double-strand structures suggest unique aspect spe- cific system. However, an absence detectable toxicity and evidence wide-spread cellular up- take re- ported in preclinical evaluations (Ref. 24). What is clear our previous experience with gene therapy CF that testing candidate must performed relevant airway test systems (i.e. only highly differentiated columnar cell