作者: Eduardo Bancalari
DOI: 10.2223/JPED.1427
摘要: This milder form of illness is the most commonly observedin extremely low birth weight infants today.Once lung damage has occurred, these mayrequire mechanical ventilation and increased oxygenconcentration for long periods time with gradual weaningfrom ventilator oxygen therapy after several weeks ormonths. Infants more severe BPD may still evolveinto progressive respiratory failure, or even death, as aresult pulmonaryhypertension that can result in cor pulmonale.The reported incidence varies widely thisvariation related to differences patient susceptibilityand management, but inconsistencies definitionalso accounts variation. The diagnostic criteria forBPD are based on dependency this varydue altitude, use other methods ofrespiratory support such continuous intermittentpositive airway pressure drugs caninfluence gas exchange, diuretics, respiratorystimulants corticosteroids. Perhaps major problemof using requirement define variation