摘要: Mark-recapture studies are used to estimate population parameters such as abundance, survival and recruitment. Briefly, animals captured, marked with an individually identifiable tag released. First capture provides information about abundance. Subsequent recaptures provided the individual. One of fundamental assumptions in mark-recapture is that tags not lost. If this assumption violated, parameter standard error estimates biased. This thesis deals analysis 3 experiments under tag-loss. The second chapter looks at premature radio failure radio-telemetry studies. Radio-tags, because their high detectability, often capture-recapture A key radio-tags do cease functioning during study. Radio-tag before end a study can lead underestimates rates. We develop model incorporate secondary radio-tag data. was applied chinook smolts (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on Columbia River, WA. third incorporates loss into Jolly-Seber model. Tag has only been dealt ad hoc manner. methodology sizes tag-retention double-tagging experiments. apply walleyes (Stitostedion vitreum) Mille Lacs, Minnesota. Finally, fourth chapter, we Poisson migration incorporating loss. yellowtail flounder (Limanda femginea) Grand Banks Newfoundland. To Jennie Burritt who taught me how count Vivian Cowen encourages keep counting.