摘要: State of the Art: Gastric can- cer (GC) is still a major health problem world- wide due to its frequency, poor prognosis and limited treatment options. At present prevention likely be most effective means reduc- ing incidence mortality from this dis- ease. The important etiological factors im- plicated in gastric carcinogenesis are diet Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. High intake salted, pickled or smoked foods, as well dried fish meat refined carbohy- drates significantly increased risk develop- GC while fibers, fresh vegetables fruit were found inversely associated with risk. Epidemiological investigations (retrospective, case-control prospective) several meta- analyses have demonstrated that concurrent previous H. infection an respect uninfected peo- ple. colonizes mucosa where it induces complex inflammatory immune re- action on time leads severe mucosal damage i.e., atrophy, intestinal metaplasia (IM) dysplasia. closely related grade extension IM Perspectives Conclusions: Today plausi- ble program for means: (1) correct dietary habit since childhood increasing vegeta- bles intake, (2) decrease spread improving family community sanitation hygiene, (3) search treat strate- gy offspring GC, (4) py- lori strategy patients chronic atrophic gas- tritis (IM), (5) careful en- doscopic histologic follow-up if precancerous lesions persist irrespective eradication.