Natalie Friedman , Andrea Cuadra , Ruchi Patel , Shiri Azenkot
conference on computers and accessibility 575 -577
Megan K. Strait , Victoria A. Floerke , Wendy Ju , Keith Maddox
Frontiers in Psychology 8 1366
Anna-Katharina Frison , Bastian Pfleging , Andreas Riener , Myounghoon Philart Jeon
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 22 -27
Nikolas Martelaro , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 99 -101
Marcel Walch , Stacey Li , Ilan Mandel , David Goedicke
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 74 -77
Srinath Sibi , Stephanie Balters , Ernestine Fu , Ella G. Strack
ieee intelligent vehicles symposium
Marco Spadafora , Victor Chahuneau , Nikolas Martelaro , David Sirkin
tangible and embedded interaction 70 -77
Nikolas Martelaro , Michael Shiloh , Wendy Ju
tangible and embedded interaction 762 -765
Wendy Ju , David Sirkin
international conference on persuasive technology 6137 40 -51
Christian P. Janssen , Linda Ng Boyle , Wendy Ju , Andreas Riener
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 8 100214
Edgar Berdahl , Wendy Ju , Julius O. Smith
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 ( 3) 1763 -1763
Hamish Tennent , Dylan Moore , Wendy Ju
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 1 ( 4) 165
Alexander Meschtscherjakov , Manfred Tscheligi , Bastian Pfleging , Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni
human factors in computing systems
David W. Vinson , Leila Takayama , Jodi Forlizzi , Wendy Ju
human factors in computing systems
Yumiko Shinohara , Rebecca Currano , Wendy Ju , Yukiko Nishizaki
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 144 -153
Stephanie Balters , Srinath Sibi , Mishel Johns , Martin Steinert
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 134 -143
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
user interface software and technology 229 -241
Helena Strömberg , Ingrid Pettersson , Wendy Ju
Design Studies 67 77 -101
Pablo E. Paredes , Yijun Zhou , Nur Al-Huda Hamdan , Stephanie Balters
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 1) 1 -23
Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni , Alexander Meschtscherjakov , Bastian Pfleging , Birsen Donmez
human factors in computing systems 1 -8