Brian Ka-Jun Mok , Mishel Johns , Key Jung Lee , Hillary Page Ive
ieee intelligent vehicles symposium 1167 -1172
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , Nikhil Gowda , Srinath Sibi
ieee intelligent vehicles symposium 1358 -1365
Srinath Sibi , Stephanie Baiters , Brian Mok , Martin Steiner
ieee intelligent vehicles symposium 1509 -1516
Jeamin Koo , Jungsuk Kwac , Wendy Ju , Martin Steinert
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (ijidem) 9 ( 4) 269 -275
Leila Takayama , Doug Dooley , Wendy Ju
human-robot interaction 69 -76
Pablo E Paredes , Stephanie Balters , Kyle Qian , Elizabeth L Murnane
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 4) 184
Wendy Ju , Arna Ionescu , Lawrence Neeley , Terry Winograd
conference on computer supported cooperative work 533 -541
Guy Hoffman , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 3 ( 1) 91 -122
Christopher J. Ploch , Jung Hwa Bae , Caitlin C. Ploch , Wendy Ju
2017 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 448 -453
Ingrid Pettersson , Wendy Ju
designing interactive systems 147 -160
Sven Krome , David Goedicke , Thomas J. Matarazzo , Zimeng Zhu
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 275 -283
Stephanie Balters , Joseph W. Geeseman , Ann-Kristin Tveten , Hans Petter Hildre
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 78 102975
Christian P. Janssen , Linda Ng Boyle , Andrew L. Kun , Wendy Ju
International Journal of Human-computer Interaction 35 ( 11) 947 -955
Xiaosong Qian , Wendy Ju , David Michael Sirkin ,
International Journal of Human-computer Interaction 36 ( 20) 1912 -1927
Nikolas Martelaro , Wendy Ju ,
Interactions 25 ( 6) 38 -41
Kelly Dobson , danah boyd , Wendy Ju , Judith Donath
CHI '01 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '01 151 -152
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , David Miller , Wendy Ju
human factors in computing systems 2840 -2844
David Sirkin , Nikolas Martelaro , Mishel Johns , Wendy Ju
human factors in computing systems 405 -415
Alessandro Soro , Margot Brereton , Paul Roe , Peta Wyeth
human factors in computing systems 617 -623
Jamy Li , Andrea Cuadra , Brian Mok , Byron Reeves
human robot interaction 8 ( 1) 4