Brian Mok , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 1 -5
David Miller , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 1 -6
Mishel Johns , Srinath Sibi , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 1 -4
Nikhil Gowda , Kirstin Kohler , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 1 -4
Hillary Page Ive , Wendy Ju , Kirstin Kohler
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 1 -3
Jamy Li , Wendy Ju , Cliff Nass ,
human-robot interaction 133 -140
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
human-robot interaction 11 -18
Jamy Li , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 279 -279
Jamy Li , Wendy Ju , Clifford Nass
human robot interaction 265 -265
Sonia Baltodano , Srinath Sibi , Nikolas Martelaro , Nikhil Gowda
human robot interaction 283 -283
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 297 -297
Dave Miller , Annabel Sun , Wendy Ju
systems, man and cybernetics 688 -693
Lia R. Emanuel , Joel Fischer , Wendy Ju , Saiph Savage
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW '16 Companion 193 -196
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , Key Jung Lee , David Miller
international conference on intelligent transportation systems 2458 -2464
Mishel Johns , Brian Mok , Walter Talamonti , Srinath Sibi
international conference on intelligent transportation systems 1 -7
Mishel Johns , Gamze Strack , Wendy Ju
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2104 -2110
David Miller , Annabel Sun , Mishel Johns , Hillary Ive
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 59 ( 1) 1676 -1680
David Miller , Mishel Johns , Brian Mok , Nikhil Gowda
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 ( 1) 1849 -1853
Esther Bosch , Michael Oehl , Myounghoon Jeon , Ignacio Alvarez
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 44 -49
Sonia Baltodano , Jesus Garcia-Mancilla , Wendy Ju
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 298 -309