M. Erfani Joorabchi , A. Dalvandi , H. Seifi , L. Bartram
visualization and data analysis 7530 75300
J. Rodgers , L. Bartram
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 ( 12) 2489 -2497
L. Bartram , B. Cheung , Maureen C. Stone
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 ( 12) 1942 -1948
M. Lockyer , L. Bartram , B. E. Riecke
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging - CAe '11 89 -96
T. Calvert , J. Dickinson , J. Dill , W. Havens
pacific rim conference on communications, computers and signal processing 371 -375
J. Dill , L. Bartram , A. Ho , F. Henigman
systems, man and cybernetics 1 386 -390
L. Bartram , F. Henigman , J. Dill
systems man and cybernetics 4 3122 -3127
L. Bartram , R. Ovans
systems man and cybernetics 4 3144 -3149
L. Bartram
systems man and cybernetics 2 1686 -1692
G. Richards , T. Calvert , A. Dufresne , L. Bartram
computer supported cooperative work in design 506 -510
Lockyer M , Bartram L , Schiphost T , Studd K
electronic imaging 2016 ( 16) 1 -6
L.R. Bartram , T. Calvert
systems, man and cybernetics 1 717 -722
LR Bartram , Kellogg S Booth , William B Cowan
Springer Berlin Heidelberg 164 -172
Lynn Bartram , Johnny Rodgers , Rob Woodbury
Ubicomp’10 Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing for Sustainable Energy
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Lyn Bartram , Colin Ware , Tom Calvert
international conference on human-computer interaction 157 -165
Tom Calvert , Lyn Bartram , Axel Uhl
graphics interface 11 -18
Matt Lockyer , Lyn Bartram
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging 35 -43
Lyn Bartram , Kathy Velikov