Oren Zuckerman , Guy Hoffman , Ayelet Gal-Oz
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2 ( 4) 109 -119
Guy Hoffman
human-agent interaction 1 -1
Yuhan Hu , Sara Maria Bejarano , Guy Hoffman
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 4 ( 4) 1 -24
Guy Hoffman , Cynthia Breazeal
AIAA 1st Intelligent Systems Technical Conference
Patrícia Alves‐Oliveira , Patricia Arriaga , Carla Xavier , Guy Hoffman
The Journal of Creative Behavior 56 ( 1) 16 -40
Matthew V Law , Zhilong Li , Amit Rajesh , Nikhil Dhawan
Smpte Journal 1638 -1653
Gurit E Birnbaum , Moran Mizrahi , Guy Hoffman , Harry T Reis
Computers in Human Behavior 63 416 -423
Vighnesh Vatsal , Guy Hoffman
Robotics 10 ( 3) 91
Guy Hoffman , Gil Weinberg
Smpte Journal 3097 -3102
Guy Hoffman , Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee , Stefanos Nikolaidis
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 7
Yuhan Hu , Jin Ryu , David Gundana , Kirstin H Petersen
603 -611
Kris Hauser , Eleanor‘Nell’ Watson , Joonbum Bae , Josh Bankston
International Journal of Social Robotics 1 -32
Zhonghao Shi , Amy O'Connell , Zongjian Li , Siqi Liu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 ( 21) 23137 -23145
Massimo Satler , Carlo Alberto Avizzano , Antonio Frisoli , Paolo Tripicchio
Gil Weinberg , Ian Campbell , Guy Hoffman , Roberto Aimi
Gil Weinberg , Mason Bretan , Guy Hoffman , Scott Driscoll
Robotic Musicianship: Embodied Artificial Creativity and Mechatronic Musical Expression 143 -187
Gil Weinberg , Guy Hoffman , Ryan Nikolaidis , Trishul Mallikarjuna
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),(Taipei, Taiwan)
Gil Weinberg , Mason Bretan , Guy Hoffman , Scott Driscoll
Robotic Musicianship: Embodied Artificial Creativity and Mechatronic Musical Expression 95 -142
Gil Weinberg , Mason Bretan , Guy Hoffman , Scott Driscoll
Robotic Musicianship: Embodied Artificial Creativity and Mechatronic Musical Expression 25 -61
Gil Weinberg , Mason Bretan , Guy Hoffman , Scott Driscoll
Robotic Musicianship: Embodied Artificial Creativity and Mechatronic Musical Expression 63 -94