Sex Drive Among the Dark Tetrad

Delroy L Paulhus , Megan MM Poulter , Paul D Trapnell
Available at SSRN 4820149

Socially Desirable Responding: Some New Solutions to

Delroy L Paulhus
Psychology 43 522 -527

Contemporary examples

Delroy L Paulhus , Donald G Dutton


Delroy L Paulhus

A new look at the link between cognitive ability and scholastic cheating

Delroy L Paulhus , Craig Nathanson , Kevin M Williams

Revenge: Who, When, and Why

Craig Nathanson , Delroy L Paulhus

Need for Mystery and Religious Belief

Jasmine M Carey , Delroy L Paulhus

Introductory Psychology: Boon or Bane?

Craig Nathanson , Kevin M Williams , Delroy L Paulhus

The Effects of Arousal on Cognitive Complexity.

Delroy L. Paulhus , David T. K. Lim

Self-Deception: An Adaptive Mechanism?

Joan S. Lockard , Delroy L. Paulhus

Enhancing Target Variance in Personality Impressions: Highlighting the Person in Person Perception

Delroy L. Paulhus , Shawn Reynolds
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 ( 6) 1233 -1242

Effects of response styles on the report of psychological and somatic distress.

Keith S. Dobson , Delroy L. Paulhus , Wolfgang Linden
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 54 ( 3) 309 -313

Effects of group selection on correlations and factor patterns in sex role research.

Delroy L. Paulhus
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 53 ( 2) 314 -317

Individual Differences in Aggression: The Role of Dark Personalities

Delroy L. Paulhus , Daniel N. Jones
Routledge 115 -128