Kevin Williams , Delroy L Paulhus , Peter Harms
annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Theodore EA Waters , Christin Köber , K Lee Raby , Tilmann Habermas
Journal Customer Services: For ordering information 388 8210 -8210
Daniel Danner , Jörg Blasius , Bianka Breyer , Stefanie Eifler
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
S Vazire , SD Gosling , AS Dickey , SJ Schapiro
The Self-Report Method 224 -239
Katherine M Lawson , Richard W Robins , Joshua D Miller , Brinkley M Sharpe
Shining Light on the Dark Side of Personality: Measurement Properties and Theoretical Advances
Delroy L Paulhus , Richard W Robins , Kali H Trzesniewski , Jessica L Tracy
Psychology Press 303 -328
Wilfred J Zerbe , Delroy L Paulhus
The Academy of Management Review 12 ( 2) 250 -264
Delroy L Paulhus , Craig S Neumann , Robert D Hare
Toronto: Multi-health systems
Daniel N Jones , Delroy L Paulhus
New York: Guilford Press
Delroy L Paulhus
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Delroy L Paulhus , Daria C Lysy , Michelle SM Yik
Journal of personality 66 ( 4)
Delroy L Paulhus , Paul D Trapnell
New York: Guilford. 492 -517
Delroy L Paulhus
Unpublished manuscript, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Delroy L Paulhus , John P Robinson , Phillip R Shaver , Lawrence S Wrightsman
Measures of social psychological attitudes series 1 17 -59
Delroy L Paulhus , Donald G Dutton
American Psychological Association
Wolfgang Linden , Frances Wen , Delroy L Paulhus
Psychology Press 51 -96
Delroy L Paulhus
Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences 1 ( 5)
Delroy L Paulhus
Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems
Delroy L Paulhus , EMILE Coué
JMS 4 ( 1) 573 -587
Delroy L Paulhus , Craig S Neumann , Robert D Hare , Kevin M Williams
MHS, Multi-Health Systems Incorporated