Michael J. Wade , David S. Wilson , Charles Goodnight , Doug Taylor
Nature 463 ( 7283)
Steven J. Franks , Gregory S. Wheeler , Charles Goodnight
Evolution 66 ( 5) 1398 -1412
Charles Goodnight
Evolution 67 ( 6) 1539 -1548
Linden Higgins , Jonathan Coddington , Charles Goodnight , Matjaž Kuntner
Evolutionary Ecology 25 ( 6) 1289 -1306
Josh Mitteldorf , Charles Goodnight
Oikos 121 ( 9) 1370 -1378
Linden Higgins , Charles Goodnight
Journal of Arachnology 39 ( 3) 399 -408
Linden Higgins , Charles Goodnight
Journal of Arachnology 38 ( 1) 150 -152
Ingi Agnarsson , Charles Goodnight , Linden Higgins
The Journal of Arachnology 52 ( 1) 75 -85
Charles Goodnight
Evetts Haley
Charles Goodnight
Epistasis: methods and protocols 1 -18
J Evetts Haley , Charles Goodnight
University of Oklahoma Press 246 -47
Charles Goodnight , Samuel M Scheiner , David P Mindell
The Theory of Evolution: Principles, Concepts, and Assumptions 194 -210
Charles Goodnight , J Evetts Haley
(No Title)
Charles Goodnight
SCIENTIST 24 ( 1) 12 -12
Charles Goodnight
University of Oklahoma Press
Charles Goodnight
Y. Bar-yam , M. A. M. De Aguiar , H. Sayama , E. Rauch
Complexity 13 ( 5) 23 -44
J. J. Mitteldorf , C. Goodnight
Biochemistry 78 ( 9) 1013 -1022
M. Wade , C. Goodnight
Science 253 ( 5023) 1015 -1018
CJ Goodnight
Genetics and Exploitation of heterosis in crops 59 -68