GDS Ludden , PPM Hekkert , HNJ Schifferstein
XIX Congress of the International Association of Emperical Aesthetics, Avignon, France 695 -699
PPM Hekkert , PMA Desmet
Delft University of Technology Industrial Design
J van Erp , PPM Hekkert
Vormberichten 10
RAG Posta , J Blijlevensb , P Hekkerta , Ruben Post
Paul Hekkert , Geke Dina Simone Ludden
9th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2014: The Colors of Care 482 -488
Paul Hekkert , Nazli Cila , Michaël Berghman
Proceedings of the 23rd biennial congress of the international association of empirical aesthetics, 22-24 augustus 2014, New York, USA
Diane Gyi , Paul Hekkert , Jeroen van Erp , Deana C McDonagh
Taylor & Francis
Paul Hekkert , Matthijs van Dijk
Paul Hekkert , Dirk Snelders
Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein , Paul Hekkert , Anna Fenko
DRS2008, Design Research Society Biennial Conference, Sheffield, England 1 -10
Kristina Niedderer , Robin Gutteridge , James Mackrill , Paul Hekkert
University of Wolverhampton, CADRE
Pieter M. A. Desmet , Paul Hekkert , Erdem Demir
International Journal of Design
Deger Ozkaramanli , Pieter M. A. Desmet , Paul Hekkert
Out of Control: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design and Emotion, London, UK, 11-14 September 2012
Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein , Paul Hekkert , Geke D.S. Ludden
International Journal of Design 6 ( 1) 1 -23
Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein , Paul Hekkert , Anna Fenko
International Journal of Design 5 ( 3) 77 -87
Valentijn Visch , Paul Hekkert , Nazli Cila
IJD International Journal of Design, 8(1)2014
Elvin Karana , Paul Hekkert
Kristina Niedderer , Robin Gutteridge , James Mackrill , Paul Hekkert
International Journal of Design 10 ( 2) 67 -85
Paul Hekkert , Michaël Berghman
Nynke Tromp , Paul Hekkert