Sami Bhouri Khila , Amel Mguidiche , Boutheina Douh , Françoise Ruget
Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources 3 ( 1) 78 -87
N. Nilsdotter-Linde , T. Gustafsson , G. Dalin , J. C. Moreau
Biodiversity and animal feed: future challenges for grassland production. Proceedings of the 22nd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Uppsala, Sweden, 9-12 June 2008. 745 -747
F. Lannuzel , J. C. Moreau , B. Lacroix , M. Ferrand
15èmes Recontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Paris, les 3 et 4 décembre 2008. 193 -200
E. Malézieux , F. Levrault , F. Ruget , G. Trébuil
Modélisation des agroécosystèmes et aide à la décision 187 -202
I. Donet , C. L. Bas , N. Bonneviale , M. Duru
La Librairie du Cirad 263 -282
M. Wachendorf , K. Auerswald , M. Gierus , F. Taube
Grassland in a changing world. Proceedings of the 23rd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Kiel, Germany, 29th August - 2nd September 2010 75 -77
F. Ruget , J. C. Mailhol , J. M. Gonzalez-Camacho
Consensus to resolve irrigation and water use conflicts in the Euromediterranean Region. Proceedings of the ICID 20th European Regional Conference, Montpellier, France, 14-19 September 2003. 1 -10
B. Dury , S. Granger , R. Lillak , F. Kockmann
Integrating efficient grassland farming and biodiversity. Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Tartu, Estonia, 29-31 August 2005 82 -86
T. Libourel , I. Donet , F. Ruget , P. Clastre
Géomatique et espace rural. Actes des journées Cassini 2001, Montpellier, France, 26-28 septembre 2001. 165 -176
H. Formayer , A. Schaumberger , B. Seguin , E. M. Pötsch
Grassland farming and land management systems in mountainous regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Gumpenstein, Austria, 29th-31st August, 2011. 39 -51
F. Ruget , A. Zanolin , B. Nicoullaud , P. Ruelle
Food production, poverty alleviation and environmental challenges as influenced by limited water resources and population growth. Volume 1A. 18th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Montréal, Canada, 2002. 1 -18
B. Combal , B. Seguin , R. Faivre , C. Rebella
Teledetección : medio ambiente y cambio global, 2001, ISBN 84-9743-001-8, págs. 169-173 169 -173
N Brisson , F Ruget , P Gate , J Lorgeou
Agronomie (France)
F. Ruget , P. Bru
Revue de Statistique Appliquée 31 ( 4) 37 -52
F. Lannuzel , J.-C. Moreau , B. Lacroix , M. Ferrand
Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants 193 -200
F. Ruget , O. Bethenod , L. Combe
Maydica 41 ( 3) 181 -191
N. Katerji , F. Ruget , O. Bethenod , L. Combe
Maydica 46 ( 2) 75 -80
R. Ferrise , I.J. Lorite , P. Stratonovitch , A. Mechiche-Alami
FACCE MACSUR Reports 10 02
F. Ruget , O. Bethenod , L. Combe , D. Renard
Maydica (Italy)
Jean Marc Barbier , S. Bocchi , S. Delmotte , A. Porro
International Symposium for Farming Systems Design 375 -376