Ulrich Blum , Simone Müller , Andreas Weiske
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien—Modelle—Anwendungen 223 -244
Ulrich Blum , Simone Müller , Andreas Weiske , Immanuel Kant
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien—Modelle—Anwendungen 29 -79
Ulrich Blum , Simone Müller , Andreas Weiske , Sprichwort aus dem Mittelalter
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien—Modelle—Anwendungen 9 -28
Ulrich Blum , Simone Müller , Andreas Weiske , Horaz
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien—Modelle—Anwendungen 175 -221
S. Mueller Loose , S.R. Jaeger
Appetite 59 ( 3) 826 -836
P.O. Williamson , S. Mueller-Loose , L. Lockshin , I.L. Francis
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 24 ( 1) 113 -124
Ignacio Llorente , James A. Young , José Fernández-Polanco , Simone Mueller
International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
Ladislao Luna Sotorrío , José Manuel Fernández Polanco , Simone Mueller
Global Aquaculture Advocate. Vol. 13, nº 1, 2010. pp. 50-51
James A. Young , José Manuel Fernández Polanco , Ignacio Llorente García , Simone Mueller
Global Aquaculture Advocate. Vol. 13, nº 5, 2010. pp. 77-79
Larry Lockshin , Simone Mueller , Joanne Teagle
Spyros D. Chatziefthimiou , Philipp Hornburg , Florian Sauer , Simone Mueller
PLOS ONE 14 ( 12)
Simone Mueller , Hervé Remaud , Yann Chabin
International Journal of Wine Business Research 23 ( 2) 125 -144
Simone Mueller , Steve Charters
International Journal of Wine Business Research 23 ( 2)
Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin , Yaelle Saltman , Jason Blanford
Food Quality and Preference 21 ( 1) 22 -32
Simone Mueller , Patricia Osidacz , I. Leigh Francis , Larry Lockshin
Food Quality and Preference 21 ( 7) 741 -754
Simone Mueller , Gergely Szolnoki
Food Quality and Preference 21 ( 7) 774 -783
Wade Jarvis , Simone Mueller , Kathleen Chiong
Australasian Marketing Journal (amj) 18 ( 3) 138 -144
Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin , Jordan J. Louviere
Marketing Letters 21 ( 4) 335 -350
Armando Maria Corsi , Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 53 ( 2) 110 -121
Larry Lockshin , Simone Mueller , Jordan Louviere , L Francis