Simone Mueller , P Osidacz , IL Francis , L Lockshin
Simone Mueller , C Rungie , S Goodman , L Lockshin
4th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research
Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin , Jason Blanford
Practical Winery & Vineyard 2011 ( Summer)
Simone Mueller , P Osidacz , L Francis , L Lockshin
14th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference
Simone Mueller , Haan Kweh , Larry Lockshin
Simone Mueller , P Osidacz , L Francis , L Lockshin
Armando Maria Corsi , Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin
AM Corsi , Simone Mueller , Larry Lockshin
Crush Symposium
L Lockshin , Simone Mueller , L Francis , P Osidacz
Workshop at the 14th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference
Simone Mueller , P Osidacz , L Francis , L Lockshin
Simone Mueller , Leigh Francis , Larry Lockshin
Simone Mueller , Patricia Osidacz , I Leigh Francis , Larry Lockshin
Simone Mueller , W Umberger
Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal 24 ( 2) 42 -45
Simone Mueller , W Umberger
Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal 24 ( 1) 48 -54
W Umberger , Simone Mueller
ACSPRI Social Sience Methodology Conference 2010
W Umberger , Simone Mueller
Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference (AARES)
Wendy J Umberger , Randy Stringer , Simone Mueller , Thomas Anthony Reardon
Simone Mueller , W Umberger
Yulumba, Board of Marketing Managers
Simone Mueller , Wendy Umberger
Lijun Liu , Susy C Kohout , Qiang Xu , Simone Mueller