Sven Teske , Arthouros Zervos , Oliver Schäfer , Wolfram Krewitt
energy [r] evolution-A blueprint for solving global warming
Sven Teske , Arthouros Zervos , Oliver Schäfer , Wolfram Krewitt
energy [r] evolution-A sustainable East Asia energy outlook
Sven Teske , Arthouros Zervos , Oliver Schäfer , Wolfram Krewitt
energy [r] evolution-A sustainable Middle East energy outlook
Sven Teske , Arthouros Zervos , Oliver Schäfer , Wolfram Krewitt
energy [r] evolution-A sustainable OECD Europe energy outlook
Sven Teske , Arthouros Zervos , Oliver Schäfer , Wolfram Krewitt
energy [r] evolution-A sustainable world energy outlook
Wolfram Krewitt , Sonja Simon , Wina Graus , Sven Teske
Chris Hendriks , Wina Graus , Frank van Bergen
Ecofys, Utrecht 64
Monique Hoogwijk , Wina Graus
Background report prepared by order of REN21. Ecofys, PECSNL072975
Wina Graus , Mirjam Harmelink , Chris Hendriks
Ecofys, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Carsten Petersdorff , Thomas Boermans , Ole Stobbe , Suzanne Joosen
Beyond the EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings, Ecofys, Cologne, Germany
Corinna Klessmann , Wina Graus , Mirjam Harmelink , Fieke Geurts
An assessment of policies and measures in G8 plus 5
Christina Galitsky , Ernst Worrell , Eric Masanet , Wina Graus
Wina Graus , Eliane Blomen , Corinna Kleßmann , Carolin Capone
IAEE European Conference, September
Wina Graus , Monique Voogt
Report under the project “Review of EU Emissions Trading Scheme”, ECS04079, Report commissioned by the European Commission Directorate General for Environment, Brussels
Wina Graus , Eliane Blomen
Report prepared for Greenpeace International and EREC, PECSNL 73841
Wina Graus , Monique Voogt , Jan Willem Langeraar
Wina Graus , Mirjam Harmelink
Ecofys, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Wina Graus
commissioned by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan), Ecofys
Wina Graus , M Voogt , D Phylipsen
Wina Graus , Eliane Blomen
Project number: PECSNL073688. Utrecht: Ecofys Netherlands BV