Christopher Hickey
Journal of physical education New Zealand 36 ( 1) 3 -14
Christopher Hickey
ABC Radio : conversation hour with Jon Faine. 1 -1
Christopher Hickey
Directions in education 16 ( 13) 3 -3
Christopher Hickey
Lecturas de pedagogia critica para educadores (Readings of critical pedagogy for educators) 77 -92
Amanda Keddie , Christopher Hickey
European Educational Research Association. Conference (2001 : Lille, France) 1 -15
Bruce Nyland , Christopher Hickey , Lindsay Fitzclarence
Masculinities and schooling: international practices and perspectives 129 -152
Christopher Hickey
Australian Educational Researcher 30 ( 1) 127 -129
Russell Matthews , Christopher Hickey , Lindsay Fitzclarence
Curriculum controversies : point and counterpoint 1980-2005 342 -348
Richard Tinning , Jan Wright , Doune Macdonald , Christopher Hickey
Pearson Education Australia
Christopher Hickey , Lindsay Fitzclarence
The ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal 51 ( 4) 7 -11
Christopher Hickey
Health education Australia journal 2 ( 2) 9 -13
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
People, participation and performance: 13th Commonwealth International Sports Conference 228 -288
Christopher Hickey , Duane Boyer
Prime focus ( 29) 16 -19
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2005: Community, Place and Change 1 -12
Christopher Hickey
Questioning 'best practice' in education: benefits and disadvantages, debates and dilemmas: proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society 96 -111
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
Australian Association for Research in Education. Conference (2007 : Fremantle, W.A.) 1 -16
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
AARE 2005 : Creative dissent: constructive solutions: proceedings of the AARE 2005 international education research conference 1 -13
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
People, participation and performance: 13th Commonwealth International Sports Conference 82 -82
Christopher Hickey , Peter Kelly
AARE 2004 : Doing the Public Good: Positioning Educational Research : International Education Research Conference Proceedings 107 -107
Lyn Harrison , Christopher Hickey , Lindsay Fitzclarence , Vanessa Barnes
British Educational Research Association. Conference (2001 : Leeds, England) 1 -10