Sexual maturity of the deep-sea red crab Chaceon notialis Manning & Holthuis, 1989 (Brachyura: Geryonidae) in southern Brazil

Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 37 ( 3) 429 -442

Improved line weighting reduces seabird bycatch without affecting fish catch in the Brazilian pelagic longline fishery

Rodrigo C. Santos , Augusto Silva‐Costa , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Dimas Gianuca
Aquatic Conservation-marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 ( 3) 442 -449

Spatio-temporal distribution and target species of longline fisheries off Southeastern/Southern Brazil between 2000 and 2011

Fernando N. Fiedler , Gilberto Sales , Bruno B. Giffoni , Dagoberto Port
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 63 ( 4) 407 -422

Influence of electric fishing lights on sink rates of baited hooks in Brazilian pelagic longline fisheries: implications for seabird bycatch

Dimas Gianuca , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Tatiana Neves
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64 ( 1) 95 -100

Life history and stock synthesis assessment of Prionotus punctatus (Teleostei, Triglidae) in southern Brazil

Andrea Renata Rodriguez , Manuel Haimovici , Eidi Kikuchi , Rodrigo Sant'Ana
Fisheries Management and Ecology 30 ( 4) 392 -405

Life-history updates and stock assessment of Macrodon atricauda (teleostei, sciaenidae) from southern Brazil.

Eidi Kikuchi , Luis Gustavo Cardoso , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Bruno L Mourato
Regional Studies in Marine Science 103623 -103623

Age, growth, and biomass projections of red porgy Pagrus pagrus (Teleostei, Sparidae) after the fishery collapse in southern Brazil

Eidi Kikuchi , Luis Gustavo Cardoso , Bruno L Mourato , Rodrigo Sant'Ana
Fisheries Management and Ecology 31 ( 2) e12662 -e12662

Utilizando el dispositivo excluidor de tortugas (TED) en la pesquería de arrastre de camarón rosa en el sur de Brasil

Rafael Schroeder , Bruno R Bottene , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Roberto Wahrlich
Latin american journal of aquatic research 44 ( 5) 1123 -1129

Nuevo instrumento adosado a redes de arrastre de fondo para muestrear macrofauna bentónica y sedimentos: comparación con la draga Van Veen

Tito Cesar Marques de Almeida , Patricio M Arana , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto
Latin american journal of aquatic research 44 ( 5) 1116 -1122

Poleward catch displacement of blackfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Possible effect of increasing water temperatures

Luís Gustavo Cardoso , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Marcio de Araújo Freire , Stefan Cruz Weigert
Fisheries Management and Ecology e12697 -e12697

Avaliação do estoque de Tainha (Mugil liza): desenvolvimento de modelos de excedente de produção bayesianos com estrutura estado-espaço

P Kinas , Rodrigo Sant'Ana
Proceedings of the 5◦ Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Marinha, Niterói. Associação Brasileira de Biologia Marinha

Madurez sexual del cangrejo real Chaceon ramosae Manning, Tavares & Albuquerque, 1989 (Brachyura: Geryonidae) en el sur de Brasil

Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto , Rodrigo Sant'Ana
Latin american journal of aquatic research 37 ( 3) 297 -312

Heavy minerals of the inner continental shelf adjoining to Santa Catarina island, southern Brazil.

José Gustavo Abreu , Rafael Ferreira Langella , Norberto Olmiro Horn Filho , Lauro Júlio Calliari
11 ( 1) 25 -39

Madurez sexual del cangrejo rojo de profundidad Chaceon notialis Manning & Holthuis, 1989 (Brachyura: Geryonidae) al sur de Brasil

Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto
Latin american journal of aquatic research 37 ( 3) 429 -442

Remodeling the demersal fishery management system of southeastern and southern Brazil

Jose Angel Alvarez PEREZ , Antônio Olinto ÁVILA-DA-SILVA , Luis Gustavo CARDOSO , Martin Coachman DIAS

Inhibitors protease activity in soybean lineages improvement.

LR Cardoso , MG de A Olivrira , FQ Mendes , CV Pires
18 ( 1) 19 -25