Tanja Perko , Catrinel Turcanu , Jantine Schröder , Benny Carlé
Catrinel Turcanu , Benny Carlé , Frank Hardeman
Intelligent Decision and Policy Making Support Systems 117 297 -313
Colin Glesner , Robbe Geysmans , Catrinel Turcanu
Journal of safety research 82 184 -193
Tanja Perko , Catrinel Turcanu
Nuclear engineering international.-Sutton, 1968, currens 58 ( 704) 38 -40
Catrinel Turcanu , Tanja Perko , Dries Geenen , Hannelore Aerts
Mol: SCK† CEN Report No. BLG-1095
Johan Camps , Catrinel Turcanu , Damien Braekers , Benny Carlé
Proceedings of the Third European IRPA Congress 14 -18
Benny Carlé , Catrinel Turcanu , Koen Van Aeken , Frank Hardeman
Advanced Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response 82 -87
Tanja Perko , Catrinel Turcanu , Benny Carlé , Tim Vidmar
Nuclear Energy-Global Trends and Perspectives in South East Europe, Podgorica, Montenegro 10 -12
Catrinel Turcanu , Gaston Meskens , Robbe Geysmans , Joke Kenens
Edward Elgar Publishing 592 -608
Marika Silvikko de Villafranca , Catrinel Turcanu , Merve Yorulmaz , Györgyi Bela
Radioprotection 57 ( 3) 249 -255
Catrinel Turcanu , Tanja Perko
Revue des Questions Scientifiques
Iztok Prezelj , Tanja Perko , Catrinel Turcanu , Marie Claire Cantone
21st International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe Ljubljana
Klaas van der Meer , Catrinel Turcanu
Proceedings of ESARDA 33rd Annual Meeting-Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management (on CD-rom), Budapest, Hungary 16 -20
Klaas van der Meer , Catrinel Turcanu
Proceedings of the 31st ESARDA Annual Meeting: Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management, Vilnius, Lithuania 26 -28
Benny Carlé , Koen Van Aeken , Catrinel Turcanu , Frank Hardeman
Information systems for crisis response and management, Harbin, China 26 -27
Werner Rühm , Hyungjoon Yu , Christopher Clement , Elizabeth A Ainsbury
Journal of Radiological Protection 43 ( 4) 043001 -043001
Catrinel Turcanu , Tanja Perko
SCK• CEN, Mol, Belgium
Klaas Van der Meer , Riccardo Rossa , Catrinel Turcanu , Alessandro Borella
Proceedings of the 7th ESARDA-INMM Workshop (on CD), Aix en Provenve, France 16 -20
Klaas van der Meer , Anne Laure Lebacq , Eric Boogers , Sven Boden
Third European IRPA Congress. Proceedings, Helsinki, Finland 14 -18
Benny Carlé , Tanja Perko , Catrinel Turcanu , Jantine Schröder
Session 19: Radiation and the society 2774 -2774