Frank Pollick , Josha G. Hale , Christopher G. Atkeson , Marcia Riley
日本ロボット学会誌 19 ( 5) 584 -589
David J. Reinkensmeyer , Christopher G. Atkeson , Joseph McIntyre , Eric W. Aboaf
international symposium on robotics 103 -110
John M. Hollerback , Christopher G. Atkeson
Stefan Schaal , Christopher G. Atkeson
international conference on machine learning 12 -20
John M. Hollerbach , Christopher G. Atkeson , Chae H. An
Christopher G. Atkeson , Andrew W. Moore
neural information processing systems 5 263 -270
Christopher G. Atkeson
neural information processing systems 663 -670
Jun Morimoto , Christopher G. Atkeson
neural information processing systems 15 1563 -1570
Christopher G. Atkeson
neural information processing systems 10 1008 -1014
Christopher G. Atkeson , Ying Zhao
neural information processing systems 4 936 -943
Jun Morimoto , Christopher G. Atkeson
neural information processing systems 15 1643 -1650
Stefan Schaal , Christopher G. Atkeson
neural information processing systems 8 605 -611
Christopher G. Atkeson , Sherif M. Botros
neural information processing systems 3 707 -713
Myung Jin Chung , Christopher G. Atkeson , Seok Won Bang , Jungwon Kang
international conference on ubiquitous robots and ambient intelligence
John M. Hollerbach , Christopher G. Atkeson
Experimental Brain Research 41 -54
Christopher G. Atkeson , Ying Zhao
conference on learning theory 379 -400
Cindy E. Hmelo , Gregory D. Abowd , Nitin Sawhney , Christopher G. Atkeson
Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory D. Abowd , Nitin Sawhney , Christopher G. Atkeson
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hartmut Geyer , Christopher G. Atkeson , Akshara Rai , Tianyu Li
arXiv: Robotics
Christopher G. Atkeson , Rika Antonova , Akshara Rai
1st Annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 47 -56